Want someone to help with farming...
Well, here are my 2 builds.
My build E/Me:
Earth Magic: 9 +2
Inspiration: 9
Energy Storage: 9 +1
Fire Magic: 9 +1 +1
As long your armor is 60, it's alright.
I use Hale staff (earth) of Fortitude, to get +10 health and negate the Major rune I put on Earth Magic.
Crystal Wave
Aura of Restoration
Magnetic Aura/Ward Against Melee (If I want to farm large groups, go Ward. If not, Magnetic.)
Flame Burst
Sub: In early stages of my farming career, I used Physical Resistance instead of Earthquake. For some reason I left Aftershock there.
Goes this way:
Aura of Restoration
(Rush in)
Magnetic Aura/Ward against Melee
Troll Unguent (if getting hit hard)
Crystal Wave immediately afterwards
Flame Burst
Aftershock and Earthquake combo. Left so if there are any remaining, these will finish them off. Hopefully. If not:
Flame Burst
Flame Burst
My build N/E
Soul Reaping: 8 +1
Death Magic: 8 +1
Fire Magic: 10
Blood Magic: 10 +1 +1
Same as above. Basic AL=60.
Any staff I can get with Hale and Fortitude is alright.
Aura of the Lich
Fire Storm
Putrid Explosion
Meteor Shower
Unholy Feast
Fire Attunement
Blood Renewal
Goes this way:
Aura of the Lich
Blood Renewal
Fire Attunement
(rush in)
Meteor Shower
Fire Storm
Unholy Feast
(last time I was fighting Minotaurs, a quarter of them were already dead, so) Putrid Explosion